Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Huckabee: Miller Win Would Be Colossal Upset

Fox News has a great article about Joe Miller's lead in the Alaska race, based on Huckabee's interview on Fox and Friends this morning:

It's not just a Republican primary election race in Alaska, it's the "Continental Army versus the British." That's what former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee said Wednesday morning on "Fox & Friends" when he weighed in on the still-undetermined, and surprisingly tight, Senate race. 

Joe Miller, a Tea Party favorite who was endorsed by Huckabee and the state's former governor and Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin, is currently leading in the vote count. On Fox, Huckabee was careful not to label Miller a Tea Party member - and instead described the GOP candidate as someone the Tea Party can embrace because he is "fiscally conservative and socially conservative."

Read the whole thing...


  1. I think Huckabee is wise not to marginalize the Tea Party movement nor to embrace it exclusively. He realizes that in governing this country as a whole, his party needs to show that Republicans and Tea Partiers are one in "embracing conservatives and socially conservative" values. This way he does not shut out Republicans who may agree in principle but not necessarily feel comfortable with the methods of protest used by the Tea Party movement.

    Wisely, he is signaling to the Republican Party the direction they must go to win support of a populace very disgruntled by current administration and Democrat politics.
