Friday, September 24, 2010

Huckabee on the "Pledge to America"

Governor Huckabee has posted some great thoughts on the House Republican's recently released "Pledge to America" — which you can read in full here:

I read with great interest "A Pledge to America" introduced today by Republican Congressional leaders.

The 21 page document contains many good core conservative ideals - but as my parents taught me as a small child - the proof is always in the puddin'.

Republican Congressional leaders have pledged "to advance policies that promote greater liberty, wider opportunity, a robust defense, and national economic prosperity;" and "to honor families, traditional marriage, life, and the private and faith-based organizations that form the core of our American values."

These are all very good things and like many, I will be watching to see what concrete steps Republicans offer to actually stop out of control spending, reduce the size of the federal government, repeal Obamacare, reduce our growing deficit and solve unemployment. These principles are fundamental to conservatism and there's no doubt in my mind that a Conservative Congress can accomplish these things - or at the very least, serve as a backstop to prevent President Obama's radical liberal agenda.

However, personally, I wish they would've also pushed for term limits and a balanced budget amendment because - many groups like the Tea Party are sick and tired of career politicians and budgets that saddle our children will trillions in debt.

I am glad though that Republican Congressional leaders are willing to put forth a pledge that clearly outlines the difference between conservatives and liberals because elections matter. After all, we've seen what we get with a liberal Congress: universal healthcare, higher taxes, weak foreign policy, refusal to acknowledge the use of the term "terrorist" or "terrorism," weaker borders and amnesty talk, extreme government spending and a certain level of disregard for the sanctity of marriage and life.

"A Pledge To America" shows the clear differences in the two parties and motivates voters to support conservatives this election . . . and that's a good thing. Also, when you provide voters with a checklist of what conservatives stand for and should do in office - voters can more easily hold members of Congress accountable - and if our GOP Congressional leadership fails to honor their "Pledge to America" we will vote them out too.

Read the whole thing...

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